Welcome to Industrial Engineering Hasanuddin University

Industrial engineering (IE) Hasanuddin University is concerned with designing and improving systems to make products or provide services. IE looks at the “big picture” of what makes organizations work best. Students in the Department of Industrial Engineering learn and research how to design, improve, and control systems of people, materials, information, equipment, energy, and capital to increase quality, safety, and profitability. Industrial engineers provide innovative solutions to the complex problems faced by virtually all enterprises operating in today’s global economy.

If you are interested in a professional engineering career focused on the “big picture” challenges faced by manufacturing and service enterprises, the Department of Industrial Engineering Hasanuddin University offers accredited bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering.

Industrial Engineering News

Latest News and Informations

Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia menyelenggarakan the 11th International Conference on Quality in Research (QiR) 2009 pada tanggal 3-6 Agustus 2009, bertempat di kampus Universitas Indonesia, Depok.
Panitia mengundang dosen, peneliti, mahasiswa, litbang, industri, pihak swasta dan pemerintah untuk berpartisipasi pada Conference ini dengan memasukkan Extended Abstract dengan maksimum 500 kata. Batas pemasukan abstrak adalah 15 April 2009. Info lengkap dapat diakses di website http://qir.eng.ui.ac.id

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